Preventative Maintenance

NOTE: List of services and inspection checks incomplete. For further in-depth inspection items and processes please contact. All items and services are negotiable and customizable to meet our customers needs.

Inspection Checklist:​

Op-check & Safety:
– Interlocks
– Safety Buttons
– Guards

Service/Replace Chemicals:
– Spindle Lubrication Oil
– Coolant Fluid
– Hydraulic Oil

Coolant System: – Clean Tank (chips, oil, sludge)
– Inspect Pumps
– Clean Screens

Tool Changer:
– Operational Check
– Clean Carousel
– Check ATC Belt

Hydraulic System:
– Hoses
– Connections
– Oil Leaks

Air Filters:
– Main Electrical Cabinet
– Spindle Motor
– Fan Filters

Electrical System:
– Connections
– Terminals
– Limit Switches

Mechanical System:
– Drive Belts
– X,Y, Z Backlash Adjustment
– Counterbalance System

– Inspect Cabling
– Inspect Links
– Grease Bearings

– Inside/ Outside
– Windows
– Lights
– Etc.